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Senior School | Curriculum

Year 7-9

the Stover curriculum

The Stover Curriculum: Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9)

The Aims of the curriculum in Years 7 to 9 are:

1. To provide a stimulating, broad and attractive range of academic subjects which will prepare pupils for Key Stage 4 and beyond.

2. To link-in with and carry on the progress made in Stover Prep School, and Key Stage 2 in terms of encouraging pupils to develop positive attitudes towards learning, and to help create a sense of intellectual curiosity.

3. To provide both curricular and extra-curricular enrichment allowing pupils to grow up to be well-rounded, successful and self-confident individuals – with an appreciation of the need to be sensitive to the world around them.

4. To encourage and help pupils to develop their full potential in all walks of life.

Range of Subjects

The wide range of subjects offered at Key Stage 3 includes a generous provision of time for English, Maths and Science (with specialist subject teaching for Biology, Chemistry and Physics in Years 8 and 9), and lessons in: Art, Design & Technology, Drama, French, German/Spanish, Geography, History, Home Economics, ICT, Music and Physical Education. There are also compulsory RE/PSHE and Games lessons.

Monitoring and Assessment

For many subjects in Key Stage 3 teaching groups are set according to ability. Progress is monitored through a system of internal targets and grades for achievement and effort, which are awarded 4 times per year; and through levelling tasks. Both these processes help pupils to understand the level at which they are performing, and what is needed to make further progress. Pupil progress is also discussed at weekly staff meetings, and full feedback and support is given to each pupil on an individual basis.

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