Transfer to Reception

As a family school, it is expected that pupils at Stover School Nursery will transfer into Stover Prep School at 4+.

There is one intake of pupils from Nursery to Reception Class annually for those children who have reached their fourth birthday by 31st August.

Great care is taken to ensure a smooth transition from the Nursery to the Reception Class. This includes daily excursions around the school buildings and grounds to help familiarise the children with the geography of the school and its staff.

Our Reception Class Teacher integrates with the children at lunch and break times, and the Nursery children are invited to attend all relevant Foundation and Key Stage 1 events and special assemblies.

During the Summer Term, the Reception staff make regular visits to the Nursery, again informally, to observe the children at play and to liaise with the Nursery staff. In small groups, the children are invited to visit the Reception Class to play and gradually these visits become more formalised with a planned, adult-led activity and/or a story. Towards the end of the Summer Term, all these children spend the whole day in their new class.

All pupils at Stover School Nursery will have a Learning Journal.

The learning journals contain:

· All About Me profiles

· Spontaneous and planned observations

· Photographs of play and the learning taking place.

· Samples of children’s work and links to the EYFS.

· Termly reports (Autumn, Spring and Summer) which are shared with parents/carers and the child’s other Early Years settings, if they attend elsewhere.

Transfer of Records

Nursery Leaders meet with the Reception Class Teacher to talk about the group, individual children, social dynamics and friendship groups. A comprehensive transition report is shared with Reception Class staff, together with the Learning Journal that has been compiled during the child’s stay in the Nursery.


Parents have an open invitation to have a tour of the school and to meet the Head of the Preparatory School to discuss their child’s needs and learn what the Preparatory School has to offer. In the Spring Term Nursery parents are invited to a presentation and lunch in the Preparatory School. During the Summer Term all Nursery parents are invited to an information meeting where members of staff discuss the curriculum, the school provision and their child’s future at Stover.

Where to next?